***ELL Zoom for MS and HS*** Families,Please consider joining this zoom which has information for ELL's relating to middle school and high school success.
***Vision Screening*** Families,The Department of Health will be in this week to provide mandated screening for all K and 1st grade students.
***Vaccine Info Webinar*** Families,Please consider joining a webinar regarding information on the Covid-19 vaccine.Click for more information.
***Parent Dance Party*** Families,The PTA invites you to attend a parent dance party this Friday, March 11th. Click on the flyer for more information.
***Helpful Tax Information*** Families,Please visit the financial planning section of our website to see information regarding child tax credits and filing for free!
***Wear Green to School 3/17*** Families,Please see the attached flyer for our St. Patrick's Day Celebration on Thursday, March 17th!
***State Testing Meeting*** Families,We will be having a testing meeting on Saturday, March 5th at 10:00am. See the attached flyer for details.
***Parent Game Night!!!*** Parents,See the attached flyer for the parent game night we will be hosting via Zoom on Friday, March 4th!