Black History Event See the attached flyer with more information about an upcoming Black History Event
Family Resources Click on the link to learn more about resources for families, specifically families that are MLL and ELL's
Parent Workshop See the attached flyer with information about a Lifesaver Parent Workshop this upcoming Thursday.
Hands Only CPR Course Please see the attached flyer with more information about a free Hands-Only CPR Course
PreK/Kindergarten Open House Please see the attached flyer with more information on a Pre-K/Kindergarten Open House at PS 249.
East Flatbush Family Enrichment Center Please see the copied information from the East Flatbush FEC; with information about great community resources for families!
Emergency Contact Forms Please review the important information about emergency contact forms for your student.
January Events Calendar Please see the attached calendar with events at PS 249 for the month of January.
Bronx Zoo Discount Please visit the linked page for more information about holiday discounts from the Bronx Zoo.
Free Music, Theatre, Dance Lessons See the attached flyer with more information about free Theatre Arts Classes